Project Team
Project Team
Project Team
Project Directors
Prof. Dr. Thomas Duve
Research Interests
His research interests focus on the legal history of the early Modern Age and the Modern Era. One particular research interest is the legal history of Hispanic America and the history of science in the 20th Century.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann
Research Interests
- Medieval philosophy and its historical influence
- Practical philosophy (in particular ethics and political philosphy)
- Philosophy of religion
- Kant
- Critical Theory

Project Team
Project Coordinator
Dr. Stefan Schweighöfer
Research Interest
- Philosophy and economy
- Philosophy of the Middle Ages and early modern times
- Economics of the Austrian School
- Scottish Enlightenment
- History of economic ideas

PD Dr. Christiane Birr
Research Interests
Spanish late scholasticism and canon law of the early modern period, european expansion and colonial law, taught law in the late middle ages and early modern period (especially questions regarding the law on limitation periods), legal and constitutional history of the early modern period

Dr. Marie-Astrid Hugel
Research Interest
- History of philosophy, theology and politics in the Middle Ages
- Iconograhy and images in the Middle Ages
- Software Developpment
- NLP, Text Analytics, Data Science

Florian König, M.A.
Research Interest
- Political philosophy and philosophy of religion
- Theories of distributive justice and non-discrimination
- Baroque Scholasticism and Early Modern Philosophy
- German Idealism

Cindy Rico Carmona, M.A.
Research Interests
- Digital Humanities
- Natural Language Processing

Polina Solonets, M.A.
Research Interests
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Editions
- Acquisition and Modelling of Data
- Corpus Linguistics Approaches to Data Analysis

Dr. Andreas Wagner
Research Interests
His work is strongly related to the phenomenological reconstruction of a legal understanding, both in the current global situation and in the early Modern Age.
He also deals with the possibilities of computer-based methods for research projects in the humanities.

Advisory Board
Juan Belda Plans (Theology, Valencia)
Ana Carabias (History, Salamanca)
Francisco Cuena Boy (Legal History, Santander)
Nils Jansen (Legal History, Münster)
Matthias Kaufmann (Philosophy, Halle)
María Martín Gómez (Philosophy, Salamanca)
Michael Sievernich (Theology, Frankfurt/Mainz)
Maria Idoya Zorroza (Philosophy, Salamanca)
Former Team Members
Dipl.-Bibl. Ingo Caesar, M.A. (2013 - 2015)
Carolina Cárdenas, B.A. (2013 - 2019)
Dr. Matthias Kirchen (2016 - 2017)
Barbara Kirchner (2016 - 2018)
Dr. Anselm Spindler (2013 - 2015)
Martin Thoenes, M.A. (2017 - 2019)
David Glück, M.A. (2017 - 2020)
Dr. José Luis Egio Garcia (2017 - 2023)
Dr. Maxim N. Kupreyev (2021 - 2023)
Alba Ciliberti, M.A. (2020 - 2024)